Sunday, 11 August 2013

Healthy benefits of drinking water on empty stomach.

Water.!we can call it as an elixir of life.!

Maintaining right amounts of water in body is essential for a healthy life as our body is composed of 60% fluids. Every minute water is lost from our body either it may be in the form of sweat, breathing and during urination. This amount of water lost should be continuosly replaced with fresh amounts of water again. Keeping body hydrated lets you stay away from many health problems.


Here is a research done in japan and now it has become popular and being followed regularly to drink water after waking up in the early morning.

Drinking water in empty stomach gives you big list of benefit, make you healthy body.

In short we can call it as water therapy. When following it regularly, it will cure diseases of sick who are having and remaining people can have a happy and healthy life.

There is a list big list of benefit. Here are they

  • Head ache
  • Body ache
  • Heart problems
  • Fast heart beat
  • Epilepsy
  • Obesity(excess fat)
  • Bronchitis asthma
  • Meningitis
  • Kidney and urine diseases
  • Vomiting
  • Gastritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Piles
  • Constipation
  • All eye diseases
  • Womb
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Ear, nose and throat diseases.

Here is a list of number of days that is required to cure or control or reduce some of the most common yet main diseases.



High blood pressure 30 days
Gastric problems 10 days
Diabetes 30 days
Constipation 10 days
Cancer 180 days
TB 90 days

Arthritis patients must follow this treatment only for 3days in the 1st week and from 2nd week onwards can follow on regular basis.

Procedure to follow here it is how

1) After waking up drink 4x160 ml glasses of water on empty stomach before brushing your teeth. For the next 45 mins make sure you don’t drink or eat anything because your body will be busy in cleansing out toxins and at that time you shouldn’t give it extra work. you can of course brush your teeth in this time.

2) After 45 mins you can have your regular breakfast schedule.

3) Once you finish your breakfast, lunch and dinner after 15 mins, donot eat or drink for 2 that 15 mins gap you can drink water to satisfy your thirst.

For beginners who don’t have the habit of drinking water at once in that much amounts and also for old and sick people they can start it from less quantities and gradually reach the required level.

This method has no side effects except that you may have to urinate a few times in the beginning.

If made this as a routine in our lifestyle we can stay much more healthier and can even pass on this healthy genes to forth coming generations in future.

Simple Tip

After eating food for those who have the habit of drinking cold water, here is a healthy advice .

Do not drink cold water as it combines with the oily stuff of food inside and solidifies it making digestion slow.

Once it gets solidified, this solidified mass reacts with the acid and will break down. This broken mass gets absorbed by the intestine more faster than the solid food. Result is that it will line the intestine and very soon this will turn into fats causing deadly disease cancer.! So, why should you bring your health to such a dangerous edge? That is why it is advised to drink a warm soup or warm water instead.

No wonder why Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals.

A cardiologist says whoever read this information, if they pass this to the persons they know at least one life can be saved.

So let us all join hands and pass this utmost useful information…!

Image Courtesy:Flickr


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