Monday 12 August 2013

Flat Tummy:Top 10 Foods To Burn Belly Fat

A healthy diet with planned exercise,you are sure to get those flat abs you have desired.
Flat tummy
Diet in the sense not making your stomach with in pain. Here is a list of those super foods  for Burn your Fat.


These are power packed with proteins and monounsaturated fats. These are especially helpful in losing belly fat. Research even shows that who ate nuts lost belly fat more when compared to others who ate other foods of same calories with less fat. So why late?grab a few nuts and gulp them.

Non fat greek yogurt

This is a probiotic food,means it contains good bacteria that reduces bad bacteria in intestine that causes tummy to bloat also it is rich in proteins too.


It may have many little bellies but it is sure to reduce to reduce your belly fat. Research shows that weigh lesser and have slimmer waist may be because they are low in calories and are rich in fibre.
    As a healthy snack in between or even as part of your food it adds great the beginning you can start from small amounts as they cause gas problem. But you can drink plenty of water and slowly increase the amount to overcome this problem.


As a starter it protects you from dental problems as well as its low calorie nature and fuller for longer feeling makes this one of the best foods to burn your belly fat.

Grape fruit

You can call this as a magic fruit instead.its because research has proved that people who ate just half a grape fruit three times a day lost weight without changing their eating habits. No doubt this fruit will reduce your belly fat too.start today,why today?just grab a fruit now itself.!

Air-popped popcorn

This is a flat belly friend you can rarely find. Having chosen air-popped popcorn,you can eat as much as 3 cups with only 100 calories in it.not just this.  It is a whole grain in nature and research has revealed that people who eat whole grains have less belly fat than those who eat refined grains.

Fruits and vegetables

As they’ll be containing 80-90% water,it is so clear that they are rich in nutrients and low in calories. More over the fiber in them make you fuller for you can lose fat without feeling hungry at all. You can have watermelons,tomatoes,oranges and many more.


Full of proteins they are an ideal choice for breakfast.make sure you consume only the white portion in it. Also eggs contain vitamin B-12 which helps body in breaking down unhealthy fat cells.


They are rich source of vitamin-D.studies have proved that lack of this vitamin will cause fat to accumulate in the belly areas. So add up these little umbrellas in your diet and protect your belly from the rain of fat pouring in it.


Not known to many,this is known to boost up metabolism in order to burn of belly fat. It also boosts up fat to burn and produce energy. Not a problem if your mouth smells a bit,you can wash it later.
Work smarter not harder and get rid of belly fat.!
Image Courtesy:Flickr


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