Monday 22 July 2013

Pinkish Lips: How to-Natural Ways

   Lips..the way they are sensitive by nature,the way they should look sensitive too. Many wishes for soft and pinkish lips, which give sexy, attractive and magnetic appeal.  After all who doesn’t want to add that extra star to their smile and looks?
Pink lips
what else you would wish for when there are natural ways to get shimmering pink lips than using chemical products that will darken your lips further more???
Here are some useful natural and effortless ways to get pinkish lips.


      Drink plenty of water because dehydration is not only bad for health it is bad even for lips. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily to keep them hydrated.

Quit Smoking

     You smoke??? Then Quit smoking. For the persons who cant quit,stop it before it reaches the tip. More the warmth reaches the lips more it will damage the natural color of the lips.

Tea and Coffee

    Consumption of tea,coffee and other concentrated beverages must be lessened.

Lip Jelly

     Do not  make lips go drier.keep a lip jelly handy.

Protect from Outside

     Since lips are very delicate they get easily affected by the harmful u.v rays and pollution. So when going out it is advisable either to cover your lips along with your face or apply a bit of sunscreen lotion to your lips in order to protect them.

Don’t use Petroleum jelly
  • When applying lip balm make sure it is free from petroleum. Petroleum jelly is safe for skin but not for lips. Since lips are much more thinner than the skin on the body petrol content may make lips go darker.
Who use Lip sticks
  • Women who are habituated of applying lipsticks,must take extra care. When applying darker shades or more coats,first of all apply a bit of lip balm and then your desired shade. This will protect your lips from getting dried up. This should be followed especially in the winters to prevent dry and chapped lips.
Biting Lips?
  • Lips secrete an oily substance in little amounts called sebum. This keeps the moisture of the lips locked. Some people have the habit of biting lips in tension or when they are in stress and some even have a belief that the more they bite the more their lips will go red which is absolutely wrong. This damages the lips and also sebum secreted will be of no use effecting the delicate texture of lips. So it is advised to stop this in order to prevent further damage.
  • When removing the lip make up instead of simply wiping away with cotton,you can dampen the cotton balls with almond oil or olive oil and then remove it. This not only will act as lubricant,it also provides nourishment to lips.
Image source: Flickr


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