Friday 9 August 2013

Health Benefit Of almond Nuts and Helps in Beauty Also

Almonds! All nutrients mended in a single nut you can say. its not just a nut. Its a solution to many problems related to health and beauty too.!
  Wonder how a nut can add beauty? Here are some.


Teenagers, are you fed up with the products treating acne problems? Here is the best and effective natural way to treat them.
Just make a paste of almonds and apply it on the acne before you go to sleep. Do this regularly for a fortnight and see that your face has become spotless. You’ll even wonder why you haven’t known this tip till now.!

Radiant skin:

That dull look on your face is not going to last longer. Here is a magic to reveal the real radiance of your skin.just follow this.
Soak almonds this add milk,a bit of fresh cream and apply it to face. This woks like a scrub and removes dead cells and dirt leaving you behind a glowing skin.
Almond also does wonders on hair.for having that lustrous hair you have always dreamt of just apply almond oil regularly and see the stunning results.

How this almond is beneficial to our health.

Protein pack:

Its fully stuffed with essential fatty acids,fibers and proteins making it as an ideal snack.

Best body buddy:

Almond extends an extra helping hand in maintaining a healthy body. It improves the hemoglobin content, promote blood circulation and the main part is that it reduces the LDL(bad cholesterol) thereby protecting us from heart diseases.

Deadly diseases:

Including this nut in our daily diet prevents lung and breast cancer.

Healthy heart:

The presence of magnesium around veins and arteries lets the heart to work easier as it lessens the resistance and increases the flow of blood to it. Almonds contain magnesium in it adding up all the benefits listed above and it also helps in distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout body.
It also contains potassium in it which helps to maintain the normal blood pressure and heart function.


Having this nutrient in it almonds helps in maintaining strong bones and teeth.


It contains riboflavin and L-carnitine which are essential for good brain function. So you can more smarter than before and also with this it even reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


It is a good source of nutrition in pregnant women as it contains folic acid which is of prime importance during pregnancy.
Now that you know how important this nut is, make sure you add this in your diet.
Image courtesy:Flickr


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