Thursday, 15 August 2013

Sleeping 7-8hrs is must: How & Why


is very important for good health through out your life. Getting good quality (Peaceful) of sleep at right times helps to maintain your mental health, physical health and safety of our life. There are several other aspects dealing with sleep. Sleep take care of your health and fresh up and prepare you physically and mentally for next day.

7-8 hrs must Sleep

However, how much we should sleep is not same for all. It’s at least common for all. You can read that below

7-8 hrs sleep is at least time for everyone. In this technology world Mostly adults are only not sleeping properly due to the computer, internet, mobile.etc.. Even me you can see the post timing. Not sleeping Properly cause to some problems


How you are when awake depends on what happens when you are sleeping. During sleep our body works for our brain. Everything we do on that day gets safely stored and makes a fresh space for the following day. So, if you don’t sleep properly, you may end up in several confusions starting from where you have kept your common things to most important work related issues.


Lack of sleep is directly linked with weight gain. Know why? because sleep maintains balance between hormones that makes you feel hungry(ghrelin) and full(leptin). When you don’t get enough sleep the level of ghrelin goes up and leptin come down making you to feel more hungry and consume food that is more than needed for you, its lead to obesity.

Hormone changes

Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin that controls your blood glucose(sugar) level. Lack of proper sleep in a higher blood sugar level, which means that you are at a risk of getting the lifelong disease diabetes.!

During sleep cells in our body produce proteins that are essential for growth, especially in children and teens. Sleep deficiency will of course disturb the levels of growth hormone.


Not had enough sleep in the night? Then you are at the edge of committing mistakes during day time. It may be as silly as drowsing in the class and scolded by your teacher or some serious issues like accidents during driving.

Heart Disease

Lack of sleep is directly linked with blood pressure and cholesterol, both of which are important risk factors for heart disease and stroke. So in order to have a healthy heart, its time you get proper amount of sleep.

Lead to Diseases

Sleep loss alters immune system. It affects the activity odd body’s natural killer cells that protect us from infections. Sleeping properly helps to fight against diseases even the deadliest cancer.


Feeling to quarrel with anyone just like that? Then just make sure did you had a peaceful sleep the before night? Because sleep loss may result in irritability, impatience, lack of concentration and moodiness.

Children and teens who sleep less feel angry, have mood swings, feel sad or depressed affecting their academic career as well as having many issues with their friends.

Here comes the interesting point. Studying for hours together will not give you expected results because children who had a good nap after studying had good memory power and showed better results than children who had only time for studying but not for sleeping.

Here is a list showing how much sleep is recommended per day for different age groups.

New born                                   16-18 hrs

Pre-school aged children      11-12 hrs

School aged children              At least 10 hrs

Teens                                           9-10 hrs

Adults(including elders)       7-8 hrs.

Enough of all those restless works.! Give a break and let that break be peaceful for sufficient time.


Image credit:

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Simple Tips To gain Weight Without Harm: How to

How to gain weight without getting fat has become one of the challenges today. Because there are many ways to put weight but choosing a right one that will be maintainable through out your life and also doesn’t cause any harm to your body might be a tricky one but yet an easy way if you stick to it.
Gain weight
And as like said above choosing a food is main one, we have to choose fatless food. Otherwise it will be again difficulty to reduce fat.

Know your calorie count

First of all you should know how many calories you need to reach your weight gain goal. This doesn’t mean that you have to count every single calorie whenever you eat or you should carry along a calculator all the time. It just means that you should know what you are and how you will get there.

Gain muscle not fat

Remember, anything in excess even proteins will be stored as fat in our body. so our aim should be to gain healthy weights and minimize the fat gains.

Change your diet

Choose the food you eat. One can put on weight easily by eating ice creams and cakes but which is quite dangerous to health. So choose healthy and calorie rich foods such as nuts and seeds, whole grains, avacados and nut butters to your meal.

Check your work out

It is obvious that you gain weight by eating more and burning fewer calories. If cardio is a part of your exercise then you must look out for another option because even though cardiovascular exercises are good for heart they cause weight loss. As an alternative you can opt for weight lifting. Also switch to walking instead of jogging and make sure to skip high-intensity work outs.

Eat,eat and eat

Let your mouth work frequently. Not only eating high calorie foods,eating for every three to three and half hours also counts. Add more varieties your plate. This will make sure that you eat more,of course healthy stuff.

Plan ahead your meal

This is about your main meal. Do this on purpose so that you can let your body to have food more frequently.

Snack often

This is an another good idea to get more calories in a day. Ensure that at least you have one time snack between each of your main meal. Dried fruit can be the best choice. Also you can add grated cheese or sour cream to salads,slices of cheese to sandwiches.


It is called as wholesome food and it proves to be right indeed. you can put on weight in a healthy way by having milk which is available in many flavors too.yummy.!
Don’t just have a plain soup from now.Add powdered skim milk to it to add calories and proteins.
Instead of just a banana or handful of nuts,top up a whole grain toast with almond butter and banana slices along with a glass of organic skim milk.
Soy milk is rich in proteins,calories and tasty too.


When you eat a lot, you also need to check that your body is getting right amounts of water or not. Keeping hydrated should also be kept in mind.

Eat before you sleep

Do not rest even before you sleep. A lot of healing,repair and production takes place when we sleep. It is the prime time for building muscle and tissue. So eating a healthy snack right before bed will be great source of fuel all through the night.
So this is how you day should end like. Every food that goes into your mouth must pass through your hand and finally its between you and your hand to pick up a healthy bite,whether it can be a main meal or a snack.

Have a Hike in your weight in a Healthy way.!
Put a Weight and Get a Guts

Monday, 12 August 2013

Flat Tummy:Top 10 Foods To Burn Belly Fat

A healthy diet with planned exercise,you are sure to get those flat abs you have desired.
Flat tummy
Diet in the sense not making your stomach with in pain. Here is a list of those super foods  for Burn your Fat.


These are power packed with proteins and monounsaturated fats. These are especially helpful in losing belly fat. Research even shows that who ate nuts lost belly fat more when compared to others who ate other foods of same calories with less fat. So why late?grab a few nuts and gulp them.

Non fat greek yogurt

This is a probiotic food,means it contains good bacteria that reduces bad bacteria in intestine that causes tummy to bloat also it is rich in proteins too.


It may have many little bellies but it is sure to reduce to reduce your belly fat. Research shows that weigh lesser and have slimmer waist may be because they are low in calories and are rich in fibre.
    As a healthy snack in between or even as part of your food it adds great the beginning you can start from small amounts as they cause gas problem. But you can drink plenty of water and slowly increase the amount to overcome this problem.


As a starter it protects you from dental problems as well as its low calorie nature and fuller for longer feeling makes this one of the best foods to burn your belly fat.

Grape fruit

You can call this as a magic fruit instead.its because research has proved that people who ate just half a grape fruit three times a day lost weight without changing their eating habits. No doubt this fruit will reduce your belly fat too.start today,why today?just grab a fruit now itself.!

Air-popped popcorn

This is a flat belly friend you can rarely find. Having chosen air-popped popcorn,you can eat as much as 3 cups with only 100 calories in it.not just this.  It is a whole grain in nature and research has revealed that people who eat whole grains have less belly fat than those who eat refined grains.

Fruits and vegetables

As they’ll be containing 80-90% water,it is so clear that they are rich in nutrients and low in calories. More over the fiber in them make you fuller for you can lose fat without feeling hungry at all. You can have watermelons,tomatoes,oranges and many more.


Full of proteins they are an ideal choice for breakfast.make sure you consume only the white portion in it. Also eggs contain vitamin B-12 which helps body in breaking down unhealthy fat cells.


They are rich source of vitamin-D.studies have proved that lack of this vitamin will cause fat to accumulate in the belly areas. So add up these little umbrellas in your diet and protect your belly from the rain of fat pouring in it.


Not known to many,this is known to boost up metabolism in order to burn of belly fat. It also boosts up fat to burn and produce energy. Not a problem if your mouth smells a bit,you can wash it later.
Work smarter not harder and get rid of belly fat.!
Image Courtesy:Flickr

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Healthy benefits of drinking water on empty stomach.

Water.!we can call it as an elixir of life.!

Maintaining right amounts of water in body is essential for a healthy life as our body is composed of 60% fluids. Every minute water is lost from our body either it may be in the form of sweat, breathing and during urination. This amount of water lost should be continuosly replaced with fresh amounts of water again. Keeping body hydrated lets you stay away from many health problems.


Here is a research done in japan and now it has become popular and being followed regularly to drink water after waking up in the early morning.

Drinking water in empty stomach gives you big list of benefit, make you healthy body.

In short we can call it as water therapy. When following it regularly, it will cure diseases of sick who are having and remaining people can have a happy and healthy life.

There is a list big list of benefit. Here are they

  • Head ache
  • Body ache
  • Heart problems
  • Fast heart beat
  • Epilepsy
  • Obesity(excess fat)
  • Bronchitis asthma
  • Meningitis
  • Kidney and urine diseases
  • Vomiting
  • Gastritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Piles
  • Constipation
  • All eye diseases
  • Womb
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Ear, nose and throat diseases.

Here is a list of number of days that is required to cure or control or reduce some of the most common yet main diseases.



High blood pressure 30 days
Gastric problems 10 days
Diabetes 30 days
Constipation 10 days
Cancer 180 days
TB 90 days

Arthritis patients must follow this treatment only for 3days in the 1st week and from 2nd week onwards can follow on regular basis.

Procedure to follow here it is how

1) After waking up drink 4x160 ml glasses of water on empty stomach before brushing your teeth. For the next 45 mins make sure you don’t drink or eat anything because your body will be busy in cleansing out toxins and at that time you shouldn’t give it extra work. you can of course brush your teeth in this time.

2) After 45 mins you can have your regular breakfast schedule.

3) Once you finish your breakfast, lunch and dinner after 15 mins, donot eat or drink for 2 that 15 mins gap you can drink water to satisfy your thirst.

For beginners who don’t have the habit of drinking water at once in that much amounts and also for old and sick people they can start it from less quantities and gradually reach the required level.

This method has no side effects except that you may have to urinate a few times in the beginning.

If made this as a routine in our lifestyle we can stay much more healthier and can even pass on this healthy genes to forth coming generations in future.

Simple Tip

After eating food for those who have the habit of drinking cold water, here is a healthy advice .

Do not drink cold water as it combines with the oily stuff of food inside and solidifies it making digestion slow.

Once it gets solidified, this solidified mass reacts with the acid and will break down. This broken mass gets absorbed by the intestine more faster than the solid food. Result is that it will line the intestine and very soon this will turn into fats causing deadly disease cancer.! So, why should you bring your health to such a dangerous edge? That is why it is advised to drink a warm soup or warm water instead.

No wonder why Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals.

A cardiologist says whoever read this information, if they pass this to the persons they know at least one life can be saved.

So let us all join hands and pass this utmost useful information…!

Image Courtesy:Flickr

Friday, 9 August 2013

Health Benefit Of almond Nuts and Helps in Beauty Also

Almonds! All nutrients mended in a single nut you can say. its not just a nut. Its a solution to many problems related to health and beauty too.!
  Wonder how a nut can add beauty? Here are some.


Teenagers, are you fed up with the products treating acne problems? Here is the best and effective natural way to treat them.
Just make a paste of almonds and apply it on the acne before you go to sleep. Do this regularly for a fortnight and see that your face has become spotless. You’ll even wonder why you haven’t known this tip till now.!

Radiant skin:

That dull look on your face is not going to last longer. Here is a magic to reveal the real radiance of your skin.just follow this.
Soak almonds this add milk,a bit of fresh cream and apply it to face. This woks like a scrub and removes dead cells and dirt leaving you behind a glowing skin.
Almond also does wonders on hair.for having that lustrous hair you have always dreamt of just apply almond oil regularly and see the stunning results.

How this almond is beneficial to our health.

Protein pack:

Its fully stuffed with essential fatty acids,fibers and proteins making it as an ideal snack.

Best body buddy:

Almond extends an extra helping hand in maintaining a healthy body. It improves the hemoglobin content, promote blood circulation and the main part is that it reduces the LDL(bad cholesterol) thereby protecting us from heart diseases.

Deadly diseases:

Including this nut in our daily diet prevents lung and breast cancer.

Healthy heart:

The presence of magnesium around veins and arteries lets the heart to work easier as it lessens the resistance and increases the flow of blood to it. Almonds contain magnesium in it adding up all the benefits listed above and it also helps in distribution of oxygen and nutrients throughout body.
It also contains potassium in it which helps to maintain the normal blood pressure and heart function.


Having this nutrient in it almonds helps in maintaining strong bones and teeth.


It contains riboflavin and L-carnitine which are essential for good brain function. So you can more smarter than before and also with this it even reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.


It is a good source of nutrition in pregnant women as it contains folic acid which is of prime importance during pregnancy.
Now that you know how important this nut is, make sure you add this in your diet.
Image courtesy:Flickr


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