Wednesday 10 July 2013

To Stay Fit; Top 15


Eat well

       The thing that is not known and in which some have a false belief is that the less they eat the more they can stay fit which is absolutely false.! The most important of all is to keep your body in a healthy state and for this our body needs fuel. This fuel comes from the food we take. Obviously, this is known to everyone.
         Our body requires food in proper portions. Three times proper food in a day with two times snack time is ideal but how much and what we are taking counts. Taking more proteins, more fiber, moderate amount of carbohydrates and minimal amount of fats is ideal fuel to body.

Regular exercise

       Well, this is also a known fact to everyone, but on a sad note is not followed by everyone. Exercise is the best way known from years to keep your body fit. It can be done in the form of yoga or in a gym or simple stretching exercises (for household women). Anything is good only when followed regularly.


       Giving your body at least 6-8 hrs  sleep repairs the stress(mentally) and tiredness(physically). This makes your body feel light and active for the next day.


       As mentioned earlier, how much important is food to our body, here is one more of such kind. In all the foods we take breakfast is very important. Because it gives a kick-start to your body to work all day long. Statistics have shown that people who do not take breakfast tend to eat more than required food all day long and become tired very easily. Skipping breakfast also increases the amount of bad cholesterol in body leading to many heart related diseases.


       Sex, Do you think  can be this works as a fitness tip? Yes, it works. Making love burns many calories. It even erases all the stress from mind. Hence this keeps body fit both physically and mentally and also frequent sex keep you 7 years younger.
     Now there are some more points which are so easy to follow but are neglected by many.

Make up your daily routine

        This may sound odd, like will this help in staying fit? but to your surprise, yes it does.!fix a plan of your daily routine in a well mannered way giving time for all the essential works. For instance, it should include the time you spend for exercise, time you spend with your family, at work and the time you plan for rest. Do this and you will find each day more happier than before, because it gives you both physical and mental peace.

Eat fat

       Surprised??but it is true.!eat fat but good that list comes olive oil,sunflower oil,safflower oil,nuts and avocados.these improve the immune function,lower total cholesterol and regulate hormonal production.

Eat slowly

       Our brain  requires at least  10 minutes to know that the food we took is sufficient for it. So eat slowly to avoid over-intake of food.

Walk a bit more

        Usually will walk less, walk bit more.When parking your vehicle, you can do it a bit more far. This makes you to walk few more steps than usual helping you to cut down your calories.


        When you feel thirsty drink water than soda or any cool drinks. It is calorie-free and it will fulfill your thirsty too.

Ice cold water

        When we drink cold water our body burns more calories for bringing it to normal temperature.
      This point is not recommended for people who are suffering from tonsillitis, migraine and who often catch cold.

Eliminate sugar

         Take honey instead of sugar and lessen the amount of sugar in foods which cant be replaced with honey.

Use Stairs

        Try to choose steps than lift or escalator.

New skills

         Making a new skill to add in your life makes you feel more confident from within yourself that you are capable of learning anything and it also sharpens your mind.

Professional advice

        Getting professional help in the area you are interested can reveal many hidden facts which you may not know and will be of great help to you. Now-a-days there are many sources of getting professional help. Blogs, Facebook, twitter, mobile and much more.

                Remember, anything too much is always dangerous.!


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